Hey friends,
This is my first post since moving over to my brand new, designed by me, WordPress site! Woo hoo! Yay me!
I am so glad I bit the bullet and made the move, and I’m even happier that I was able to do it myself. I am pleased with the results and I hope you like my new blog home too.
Thanks be to God
God is good. I can’t say this enough. I was so petrified about doing this whole WordPress thing because I felt it was too much for me to learn and absorb. It seemed overwhelming…coding, HTML…eek!
So, this is what happened. Once I realized I had to move my site from the Wix platform, I began reaching out to a couple web designers to get quotes with the intention to start that process around summer time. I narrowed my search down to a designer who’s work I really liked and who I felt understood what I needed. In the middle of that process however, as we often say “life happened”, resources had to be re-shifted and reconsidered and the plan to outsource my blog redesign became a tragic casualty. My hopes were dashed, I was distressed, I cried. I know this might sound slightly, ok totally dramatic but when God lays certain things on your heart, it just doesn’t let go!! I can’t explain it any other way. I believe God has a long term plan for me in this. So I prayed.
“Answered prayer!”
Then comes an email from a dear cousin (who is so patient with me when I bombard him with questions all the time!! btw, his work is amazing). He sent me the skillshare website link and I was like wha???? Answered prayer! I signed up for the 30 day free trial and enrolled myself in a couple online classes for WordPress and the Genesis Framework. That gave me the tools and the confidence I needed to make my move…myself. I’ll share more about that process in another post, just in case you may want to do DIY website as well! 🙂 Herein lies the finished result.
What’s New?
- site loads a lot faster (mobile friendly)
- new navigation bars (two of them at that!)
- new sections
- updated email subscription box
- comments box at the end of each single blog post…(I now get notifications when you post your awesome comments or your own “shareables”. That way I never miss a conversation with you. 🙂
Here are some screenshots.
New Navigation Bars:
Comment Box (at the end of each post):
And follow-ups/feedback on your own comments (just check the box):
That’s most of it. I’m still adding back some content but please browse around and let me know what you think. I love writing, I love sharing stuff with you all and I feel blessed to have this as my creative outlet.
So, what do y’all think of my design work? I look forward to your feedback. 🙂
Looks great! Glad you’re back :)))
Thanks Mary!
Absolutely beautiful! I considered WordPress but i was SO overwhelmed!!! Your site looks beautiful! 🙂 🙂
Nicole! Thank you for your kind compliment. 🙂 I know that overwhelming feeling all too well. If you ever decide to make the switch, just take it one step at a time. Tip: You can “outsource” some of the work inexpensively by using a freelancing service fiverr.com to do some of the work for you. My friends and I have used fiverr.com many times for different projects and they turned out well.